Concrete Tiles
Inception & Application
Adolph Kroher, a German cement manufacturer, first introduced concrete roof tiles in the 19th century. Since then, these roof tiles have undergone continuous development and remain a popular choice for roofing applications today.
Concrete roof tiles enjoy widespread use across the globe due to their suitability in various climates, including those similar to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region. Examples of areas where these tiles are commonly employed include Mexico, Florida, Texas, California, India, and several other locations.

Concrete Vs Clay
Clay Roof Tiles
Color Stability & Variation
- Color is painted only on the surface of tiles. The inside of the tile always retains a red hue, even if the surface is a different color (e.g., blue, green, grey).
- Any scratches on the tile surface are noticeable, resulting in unsightly discoloration and an unappealing roof appearance.
- Offers limited color options.
Concrete Roof Tiles
Color Stability & Variation
- Color is embedded in both the tile surface and its interior.
- Any scratches on the tile surface do not affect the appearance of the tile on the roof.
- Offers unlimited color options.
Installation Cost & Weight
Requires 14-15 tiles per square meter.
Weighs 41.5-46.5 kg per square meter.
More tiles and weight per square meter increase foundation and installation costs.
Installation Cost & Weight
Requires 11.5 tiles per square meter
Weighs 39.5 kg per square meter.
Fewer tiles and weight per square meter lead to lower foundation and installation costs.
Compressive Strength
The raw materials used in clay tiles cause compressive strength to decrease over time.
Compressive Strength
The raw materials used in concrete tiles cause compressive strength to increase over time.
Size Uniformity
The production process results in non-identical sizes for each tile.
Size Uniformity
The production methodology results in nearly identical sizes for each tile.